Washing and Care

When it comes to washing a knit sweater it can come off as a daunting task. Most of our prized possession’s come with a one way ticket to the dry cleaners which for most is easy and convenient. In today’s fast paced way of life where everything seems to be just a click away, it sometimes takes simple, dare we say “old school” tasks like hand washing our favourite knit’s to let us take a moment and appreciate what’s in front of us. I mean we aren’t saying you need go to post up a line and order wooden clothes pins off of amazon to wash your knits, queue Fiddler on the Roof; Matchmaker. 

When shampoo was just shampoo for your hair and soap was just square bar, we now welcome the age of beautiful home products that make you want to show off your once hidden laundry room. The laundry room has now become the Bali of hot destinations on the house tour.

Enter The Laundress. At GOGO we are so obsessed with our knits so why not use the best when it comes to care. We suggest using The Wool & Cashmere Shampoo to keep your favourite sweaters fresh and lasting longer, think of it as sending your GOGO to the spa. Keep in mind you shouldn’t have the need to wash your sweater too often and before you say gross, wool has something called lanolin oil present which is actually naturally anti-microbial.

We have made a video; no not TikTok’s Renegade challenge, we will save you from our dance skills but an equally important video on how to wash your GOGO.

For those of you that are still avid readers, here are our step by step instructions laid out, just like how you should lay out your sweater to dry (wink wink).

Please don’t machine wash your sweater. As much as we love the convenience of our washing machine and how far they have come, we ask that if needed please wash by hand. We suggest cold water and a bit of liquid detergent in a bath/sink, treat wool like you treat your hair, use your hands to gently massage and wash your GOGO. DO NOT LEAVE TO SOAK FOR HOURS AS THE COLOUR CAN TRANSFER. Immediately take out of the water and squeeze but do not ring. Lay flat on a dry towel and roll your sweater in the towel to remove excess water. We suggest the cinnamon bun method (think of a cinnamon bun log before it’s cut into individual buns). Once you have removed as much moisture out as possible, unroll and move to a new, dry towel and lay flat to dry. If spot treatment is needed please use a recommended spot remover for wool or cashmere. When you are not wearing your GOGO Sweater which we know is hard not to, store your sweater folded or laying flat, do not hang as we don’t want your favourite sweater to stretch out.

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